Renewing Your Mind

Do you find yourself thinking negative thoughts?  Maybe about your job, career, relationships, and your mental state of mind? 

We’ve all been in a place where we may come across a time where we may have negative thoughts about ourselves in life, how our life may have turned out or why we aren’t where we should be. Often times 

the things of the world may have your mind running to and fro, if your heart and mind isn’t grounded or focused.

Our mindset should be where we have thoughts of  intellect, reasoning, intentions and peace or freedom.

Our mind should be a place where spiritual transformation happens.

Here are three steps 

(Step One)

Ask God to help you renew and refresh your mind of any doubt, fear, or depression.

(Step Two) Write down your thoughts,  and work on changing the behaviors that cause you to have any thoughts in step one.

(Step Three) Turn Your own thoughts into a God Focused Mindset. Focus on Jesus Christ and allow him to order your steps  in life.

God doesn’t think like the world does, He thinks greater of you. In order to find out how God works, you’re going to have to put the phone down , because social media isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Open up the Bible and spend time with him and also get to know him for yourself.

Let the thoughts of this world go , if we focus on what the world has to offer, we will face heartache and constant disappointment.

Here are some scriptures to remember

“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”

Colossians 3:2 KJV

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

Romans 12:2 KJV